The Embassy of Namibia in Brussels (Belgium) is also responsible for The Netherlands.
Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Hanno Rumpf
Embassy of the Republic of Namibia
Tervurenlaan 454
B1150 Brussel
Tel: +32 2 771 1410
Fax: +32 2 771 9689
If you master enough German you may also want to obtain information from the website of the Embassy of Namibia in Berlin.
The government of Namibia appointed two Honoray Consuls in the Netherlands. Both are Dutch citizens who represent the interests of Namibia in the Netherlands.
Honorary Consul: Mr Jasper A. Van Mill
Concordiaweg 43
4206 BA Gorinchem
Tel: 0183 647655
Honorary Consul: Mrs Cornélie M. van Waegeningh
"Wettersicht" Nes 6
3445 AZ Woerden
Tel: 0348 410785
Fax: 0348 410747